bot.go 12KB

  1. package main
  2. import (
  3. "encoding/json"
  4. "errors"
  5. "flag"
  6. "fmt"
  7. ""
  8. ""
  9. "io"
  10. "log"
  11. "os"
  12. "regexp"
  13. "strconv"
  14. "strings"
  15. "time"
  16. )
  17. type App struct {
  18. db *DB
  19. credentials Credentials
  20. spotify *AppSpotify
  21. }
  22. type AppSpotify struct {
  23. auth *spotify.Authenticator
  24. client *spotify.Client
  25. }
  26. type Credentials struct {
  27. APIURL string
  28. UserName string
  29. Password string
  30. SpotifyClientID string
  31. SpotifyClientSecret string
  32. SpotifyUser string
  33. SpotifyCallback string
  34. ListenAddr string
  35. }
  36. func (app *App) CreateSpotifyAuthenticator() *spotify.Authenticator {
  37. auth := spotify.NewAuthenticator(app.credentials.SpotifyCallback, spotify.ScopeUserReadPrivate, spotify.ScopePlaylistModifyPrivate, spotify.ScopePlaylistModifyPublic)
  38. auth.SetAuthInfo(app.credentials.SpotifyClientID, app.credentials.SpotifyClientSecret)
  39. return &auth
  40. }
  41. func (app *App) LaunchWeb() {
  42. app.spotify.auth = app.CreateSpotifyAuthenticator()
  43. go func() {
  44. webStart(app.credentials.ListenAddr, app.db, app.spotify)
  45. }()
  46. }
  47. func appendSong(wikiText string, author string, newSong string) string {
  48. const AUTHOR_MARK = "<!-- Lisääjä -->"
  49. const SONG_MARK = "<!-- Kappale -->"
  50. lines := strings.Split(wikiText, "\n")
  51. authorPrevIndex := -2
  52. changedLines := make([]string, 0, len(lines))
  53. for index, line := range lines {
  54. if strings.Index(line, AUTHOR_MARK) != -1 && strings.Index(line, author) != -1 {
  55. authorPrevIndex = index
  56. }
  57. if authorPrevIndex == (index-1) && strings.Index(line, SONG_MARK) != -1 {
  58. changedLines = append(changedLines, "| "+SONG_MARK+" "+newSong)
  59. } else {
  60. changedLines = append(changedLines, line)
  61. }
  62. }
  63. return strings.Join(changedLines, "\n")
  64. }
  65. func (app *App) wikiClient() *WikiClient {
  66. wiki := CreateWikiClient(app.credentials.APIURL, app.credentials.UserName, app.credentials.Password)
  67. return wiki
  68. }
  69. func (app *App) AddSong(updateTitle, updateSection, author, song string) (bool, error) {
  70. wiki := app.wikiClient()
  71. sections, err := wiki.GetWikiPageSections(updateTitle)
  72. if err != nil {
  73. return false, err
  74. }
  75. for _, section := range sections {
  76. if updateSection == section.title {
  77. wikiText, err := wiki.GetWikiPageSectionText(updateTitle, section.index)
  78. if err != nil {
  79. return false, err
  80. }
  81. changedWikiText := appendSong(wikiText, author, song)
  82. if false {
  83. // Stub
  84. log.Println("Pretend to update wiki text to ", updateTitle, section.index, changedWikiText,
  85. fmt.Sprintf("Added %s song for %s", updateSection, author))
  86. return true, nil
  87. }
  88. return wiki.EditWikiPageSection(updateTitle, section.index, changedWikiText,
  89. fmt.Sprintf("Added %s song for %s", updateSection, author))
  90. }
  91. }
  92. return false, errors.New("Could not find matching section")
  93. }
  94. func (app *App) SongSynced(userId, roundId int) error {
  95. _, err := app.db.EntrySynced(userId, roundId)
  96. return err
  97. }
  98. func (app *App) SubmitSongs() {
  99. entries, err := app.db.FindEntriesToSync()
  100. if err != nil {
  101. log.Println("Error while finding entries to sync:", err)
  102. return
  103. }
  104. for _, entry := range entries {
  105. song := songWikiText(entry.spotifyURL, entry.artist, entry.title)
  106. log.Println("Time has passed for " + song)
  107. success, err := app.AddSong(entry.article, entry.section, entry.username, song)
  108. if err != nil {
  109. log.Println("Error while adding song:", err)
  110. }
  111. if success {
  112. err = app.SongSynced(entry.userId, entry.roundId)
  113. if err != nil {
  114. log.Println("Error received:", err)
  115. }
  116. }
  117. }
  118. }
  119. func isCurrentAuthor(line, author string) bool {
  120. authorIndex := strings.Index(line, author)
  121. endIndex := strings.Index(line, "-->")
  122. return authorIndex != -1 && authorIndex < endIndex
  123. }
  124. func parseScore(line string) string {
  125. parts := strings.Split(line, "-->")
  126. if len(parts) < 2 {
  127. return ""
  128. }
  129. score := strings.TrimRight(strings.Trim(parts[1], " \t\n"), "p")
  130. if score == "" {
  131. return score
  132. }
  133. rating, _ := regexp.Compile("^\\{\\{Rating\\|\\d([.,]\\d)?\\|5\\}\\}$")
  134. if rating.MatchString(score) {
  135. score = strings.Replace(score, "{{Rating|", "", 1)
  136. score = strings.Replace(score, "|5}}", "", 1)
  137. }
  138. number, _ := regexp.Compile("^\\d([.,]\\d)?$")
  139. if number.MatchString(score) {
  140. return strings.Replace(score, ",", ".", 1)
  141. }
  142. numberHalf, _ := regexp.Compile("^\\d½$")
  143. if numberHalf.MatchString(score) {
  144. return fmt.Sprintf("%c.5", score[0])
  145. }
  146. stars, _ := regexp.Compile("^\\*+$")
  147. if stars.MatchString(score) {
  148. return fmt.Sprintf("%d", len(score))
  149. }
  150. imageStars, _ := regexp.Compile("^(\\[\\[Image:[01]\\.png\\]\\]){1,5}$")
  151. if imageStars.MatchString(score) {
  152. return fmt.Sprintf("%d", strings.Count(score, "1"))
  153. }
  154. quarterScore, _ := regexp.Compile("^\\d-\\d½?$")
  155. if quarterScore.MatchString(score) {
  156. return fmt.Sprintf("%c.25", score[0])
  157. }
  158. thirdQuarterScore, _ := regexp.Compile("^\\d½?-\\d$")
  159. if thirdQuarterScore.MatchString(score) {
  160. return fmt.Sprintf("%c.75", score[0])
  161. }
  162. log.Printf("Could not match '%s'\n", score)
  163. return ""
  164. }
  165. func appendAverages(wikiText string) string {
  166. const AUTHOR_MARK = "<!-- Lisääjä -->"
  167. const SONG_MARK = "<!-- Kappale -->"
  168. const AVERAGE_MARK = "<!-- KA -->"
  169. lines := strings.Split(wikiText, "\n")
  170. isScore := false
  171. scores := make([]string, 0)
  172. count := 0
  173. currentAuthor := ""
  174. changedLines := make([]string, 0, len(lines))
  175. for _, line := range lines {
  176. if strings.Index(line, AUTHOR_MARK) != -1 {
  177. currentAuthor = strings.Trim(strings.Split(line, AUTHOR_MARK)[1], " \t")
  178. } else if strings.Index(line, SONG_MARK) != -1 {
  179. isScore = true
  180. scores = make([]string, 0)
  181. count = 0
  182. } else if isScore && strings.Index(line, AVERAGE_MARK) == -1 {
  183. if !isCurrentAuthor(line, currentAuthor) {
  184. score := parseScore(line)
  185. if score != "" {
  186. scores = append(scores, score)
  187. count += 1
  188. } else {
  189. scores = append(scores, "0")
  190. }
  191. }
  192. }
  193. if strings.Index(line, AVERAGE_MARK) != -1 && count > 2 {
  194. expression := fmt.Sprintf("'''{{#expr:(%s)/%d round 2}}'''", strings.Join(scores, "+"), count)
  195. newLine := "| " + AVERAGE_MARK + " " + expression
  196. changedLines = append(changedLines, newLine)
  197. if newLine != line {
  198. log.Printf("Difference for %s\n%s\n%s\n", currentAuthor, newLine, line)
  199. }
  200. } else {
  201. changedLines = append(changedLines, line)
  202. }
  203. }
  204. return strings.Join(changedLines, "\n")
  205. }
  206. func findPlaylist(wikiText string) (spotify.ID, []spotify.ID) {
  207. const SONG_MARK = "<!-- Kappale -->"
  208. const SPOTIFY_MARK = ""
  209. const SPOTIFY_PLAYLIST_MARK = "/playlist/"
  210. const PLAYLIST_MARK = " Spotify-soittolista]"
  211. lines := strings.Split(wikiText, "\n")
  212. var playlistId spotify.ID
  213. tracks := make([]spotify.ID, 0)
  214. for _, line := range lines {
  215. if strings.Index(line, SONG_MARK) != -1 {
  216. i := strings.Index(line, SPOTIFY_MARK)
  217. if i != -1 {
  218. j := strings.Index(line[i:], " ")
  219. if j != -1 {
  220. j += i
  221. }
  222. trackId := line[i+len(SPOTIFY_MARK) : j]
  223. tracks = append(tracks, spotify.ID(chopArgs(trackId)))
  224. }
  225. } else if strings.Index(line, SPOTIFY_PLAYLIST_MARK) != -1 && strings.Index(line, PLAYLIST_MARK) != -1 {
  226. i := strings.Index(line, SPOTIFY_PLAYLIST_MARK)
  227. j := strings.Index(line[i:], PLAYLIST_MARK)
  228. playlist := line[i+len(SPOTIFY_PLAYLIST_MARK) : i+j]
  229. q := strings.Index(playlist, "?")
  230. if q != -1 {
  231. playlist = playlist[:q]
  232. }
  233. playlistId = spotify.ID(chopArgs(playlist))
  234. }
  235. }
  236. log.Printf("Found playlist %s and tracks %s\n", playlistId, tracks)
  237. return spotify.ID(playlistId), tracks
  238. }
  239. func chopArgs(value string) string {
  240. q := strings.Index(value, "?")
  241. if q != -1 {
  242. value = value[:q]
  243. }
  244. return value
  245. }
  246. func appendPlaylist(wikiText string, playlist *spotify.FullPlaylist) string {
  247. changedText := wikiText + `
  248. [` + playlist.ExternalURLs["spotify"] + ` Spotify-soittolista]
  249. `
  250. return changedText
  251. }
  252. func tracksEqual(tracks1 []spotify.ID, tracks2 []string) bool {
  253. if len(tracks1) != len(tracks2) {
  254. return false
  255. }
  256. for i, track1 := range tracks1 {
  257. track2 := tracks2[i]
  258. if string(track1) != track2 {
  259. return false
  260. }
  261. }
  262. return true
  263. }
  264. func (app *App) AutomateSection(title string) error {
  265. wiki := app.wikiClient()
  266. sections, err := wiki.GetWikiPageSections(title)
  267. if err != nil {
  268. log.Println("Error while reading page sections")
  269. return err
  270. }
  271. _, currentWeek := time.Now().ISOWeek()
  272. numberReg, _ := regexp.Compile("\\d+")
  273. for _, section := range sections {
  274. weekStr := numberReg.FindString(section.title)
  275. if weekStr != "" {
  276. weekNumber, _ := strconv.Atoi(weekStr)
  277. if weekNumber < currentWeek-1 {
  278. continue
  279. }
  280. if weekNumber > currentWeek {
  281. break
  282. }
  283. log.Println("Checking section", section.title)
  284. wikiText, err := wiki.GetWikiPageSectionText(title, section.index)
  285. if err != nil {
  286. log.Println("Error reading text from wiki")
  287. return err
  288. }
  289. message := ""
  290. changedWikiText := appendAverages(wikiText)
  291. if changedWikiText != wikiText {
  292. message = message + fmt.Sprintf("Calculate averages for week %d. ", weekNumber)
  293. }
  294. if app.spotify.client != nil {
  295. token, err := app.spotify.client.Token()
  296. if err != nil {
  297. log.Println("No token available")
  298. } else if token.Expiry.Before(time.Now()) {
  299. log.Println("Token has expired")
  300. } else {
  301. playlistID, tracks := findPlaylist(changedWikiText)
  302. currentTracks, err := app.db.FindPlaylistBySection(section.title)
  303. if err != nil {
  304. log.Println("Failed to find tracks from DB", err)
  305. }
  306. log.Println("Checking if playlist needs updating", currentTracks, tracks, err)
  307. if len(tracks) > 0 && (err != nil || !tracksEqual(tracks, currentTracks)) {
  308. if playlistID == "" {
  309. log.Println("Creating new playlist")
  310. info, err := app.spotify.client.CreatePlaylistForUser(app.credentials.SpotifyUser, title+" "+section.title, true)
  311. if err != nil {
  312. log.Println("Error creating playlist to Spotify")
  313. return err
  314. }
  315. playlistID = info.ID
  316. changedWikiText = appendPlaylist(changedWikiText, info)
  317. message = message + fmt.Sprintf("Added link to Spotify playlist for week %d.", weekNumber)
  318. }
  319. log.Printf("Updating playlist %s for %s with tracks %s\n", playlistID, app.credentials.SpotifyUser, tracks)
  320. err := app.spotify.client.ReplacePlaylistTracks(app.credentials.SpotifyUser, playlistID, tracks...)
  321. if err != nil {
  322. log.Println("Error updating playlist to Spotify")
  323. return err
  324. }
  325. stringTracks := make([]string, len(tracks))
  326. for i, t := range tracks {
  327. stringTracks[i] = string(t)
  328. }
  329. _, err = app.db.UpdatePlaylistBySection(section.title, stringTracks)
  330. if err != nil {
  331. log.Println("Error updating playlist to DB")
  332. return err
  333. }
  334. }
  335. }
  336. }
  337. if message != "" {
  338. _, err := wiki.EditWikiPageSection(title, section.index, changedWikiText,
  339. fmt.Sprintf("Calculate averages for week %d", weekNumber))
  340. //err = errors.New("foo")
  341. if err != nil {
  342. return err
  343. }
  344. }
  345. }
  346. }
  347. return nil
  348. }
  349. func (app *App) AutomateSectionTask() {
  350. panels, err := app.db.FindAllPanels()
  351. if err != nil {
  352. log.Println("Error while checking db for panels:", err)
  353. return
  354. }
  355. for _, panel := range panels {
  356. log.Println("Checking panel", panel)
  357. err := app.AutomateSection(panel)
  358. if err != nil {
  359. log.Println("Error while processing panel:", err)
  360. }
  361. }
  362. }
  363. func initCreds() (Credentials, error) {
  364. var credsFile string
  365. flag.StringVar(&credsFile, "credentials", "credentials.json", "JSON config to hold app credentials")
  366. flag.Parse()
  367. var credentials Credentials
  368. f, err := os.Open(credsFile)
  369. if err != nil {
  370. return credentials, err
  371. }
  372. defer f.Close()
  373. if err != nil {
  374. log.Fatal(err)
  375. return credentials, err
  376. }
  377. dec := json.NewDecoder(f)
  378. for {
  379. if err := dec.Decode(&credentials); err == io.EOF {
  380. break
  381. } else if err != nil {
  382. log.Fatal(err)
  383. }
  384. }
  385. return credentials, nil
  386. }
  387. func songWikiText(url string, artist string, title string) string {
  388. return "[" + url + " " + artist + " - " + title + "]"
  389. }
  390. func main() {
  391. creds, err := initCreds()
  392. if err != nil {
  393. panic(err)
  394. }
  395. a := App{InitDatabase(), creds, &AppSpotify{}}
  396. a.LaunchWeb()
  397. gocron.Every(1).Minute().Do(a.AutomateSectionTask)
  398. gocron.Every(1).Second().Do(a.SubmitSongs)
  399. <-gocron.Start()
  400. }