# Example rewrite rules for pna-based site
# These should work in apache conf, or in .htaccess file.
# I run these from apache conf

# Allow rewrites
RewriteEngine On

# If accessing the index file from TUT rewrite into /tty
RewriteCond	%{REMOTE_ADDR}	^130\.230\.
RewriteRule	^/$		/tty/ [R]
RewriteRule	^/index.html$	/tty/ [R]

# For each weekday, write into its specific page
RewriteCond	%{TIME_WDAY}	1
RewriteRule	^/index.*$	/1.html
RewriteCond	%{TIME_WDAY}	1
RewriteRule	^/(.*)/index.*$	/$1/1.html

RewriteCond	%{TIME_WDAY}	2
RewriteRule	^/index.*$	/2.html
RewriteCond	%{TIME_WDAY}	2
RewriteRule	^/(.*)/index.*$	/$1/2.html

RewriteCond	%{TIME_WDAY}	3
RewriteRule	^/index.*$	/3.html
RewriteCond	%{TIME_WDAY}	3
RewriteRule	^/(.*)/index.*$	/$1/3.html

RewriteCond	%{TIME_WDAY}	4
RewriteRule	^/index.*$	/4.html
RewriteCond	%{TIME_WDAY}	4
RewriteRule	^/(.*)/index.*$	/$1/4.html

RewriteCond	%{TIME_WDAY}	5
RewriteRule	^/index.*$	/5.html
RewriteCond	%{TIME_WDAY}	5
RewriteRule	^/(.*)/index.*$	/$1/5.html

RewriteCond	%{TIME_WDAY}	6
RewriteRule	^/index.*$	/6.html
RewriteCond	%{TIME_WDAY}	6
RewriteRule	^/(.*)/index.*$	/$1/6.html

# For sunday, display monday which will display
# the food of next monday for most restaurants
RewriteCond	%{TIME_WDAY}	0
RewriteRule	^/index.*$	/1.html
RewriteCond	%{TIME_WDAY}	0
RewriteRule	^/(.*)/index.*$	/$1/1.html